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A aparut publicatia PCLinuxOS Magazine pe luna iunie 2017. Puteti descarca de aici publicatia. Revista este un produs al comunitatii PCLinuxOS si este distribuita sub licenta Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share-Alike 3.0 Unported . In acest sumar: * Control Screen Brightness Without A Power Manager * aTunes: Importing Your CD Collection * Is There A VPN In Your Future? * ms_meme's Nook: PCLinuxOS * Repo Review: Android-Related Programs * PCLinuxOS Recipe Corner * Creating A Kiosk Machine With PCLinuxOS And Xfce * PCLinuxOS Family Member Spotlight: Pat * Playing Talisman Online With PCLinuxOS * GIMP Tutorial: Using The Clone Tool To Edit Photos, Again * Tip Top Tips: Add Images From PCLOS-Cloud To The Forum * PCLinuxOS Puzzled Partitions * And much more inside!
Crearea de screencast este preferat de multi utilizatori Linux, astfel incat acestia sa poata scoata in evidenta ceea ce au facut cu distributia lor sau tutoriale video despre utilizarea unei aplicatii. Sunt folosite, de asmenea, de o multime de bloggeri pentru a oferi o demonstratie video (chiar eu am folosit Vokoscreen, realizand imaginea gif animata din articolul htop - monitorizarea proceselor in timp real ). Pentru cei care nu stiu, un screencast este un video de pe desktop. Desi exista mai multe instrumente pentru screencast, chiar unele bazate pe web cum ar fi Screencast-o-matic, Vokoscreen este una dintre cele mai bune aplicatii si usor de utilizat. Are o interfata bazata pe file cu pictograme si functionalitate. Cu Vokoscreen puteti inregistra, de asemenea, cu webcam-ul si mari parti ale ecranului in timp ce inregistrati. Puteti selecta rata de cadre si formatul de iesire (mkv, mp4, gif) care vor fi stocate implicit in aceasta locatie /home/user/video. Pentru utilizar...
A new release of PCLinuxOS was made recently, and there is very good news - it will install for UEFI Boot. Earlier this week I realized that there had recently been a new release of PCLinuxOS . It was not as easy or obvious as you might think to notice this, because there was no release announcement that I have been able to find, even on their own web page. What's more, on the desktop-specific download pages they have removed the version number and release dates, so you can't even tell there if/when there has been a release. This seems like a rather odd approach to me, but I suppose they have a reason for it. PCLinuxOS is a rolling-release distribution, so perhaps they are trying to avoid having people reinstall from scratch every time there is a new ISO image. In principle, once you have installed PCLinuxOS all you have to do is keep current with updates, and you will always have the 'latest' version. Anyway, whatever the reasons, background and polit...
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